Text: david brink
Foto: Matteo Bianchessi
La Sportiva has since the beginning famously supplied footwear to nearly any mountain activity you can think of and have been the preferred choice of local forest workers, mountain performance athletes and climbing expeditioners all the way up to the peak of Mount Everest.
In recent years the interest in the outdoor world has exploded. People are spending much more time in various outdoor activities, the industry is booming and the demand for technical product to support the lifestyle has skyrocketed. Experiencing this shift in our relationship with nature and reacting to the challenges that naturally follow must be interesting for a company that surely have faced many great obstacles in the past hundred years since the founding of the company in 1928 by Narciso Delladio.We had the opportunity to visit in La Sportiva's factory in Ziano di Fiemme, a charming little mountain village, far away from the hustling and bustling of the big, industrial cities of the North Italian Po-plains. Almost hidden from the outside world, located in a beautiful nature setting in green valleys surrounded by tall mountains, you can’t help but wonder how it is possible to run a global, market leading company in such wonderfully disconnected a place. While touring the impressive establishment we had the chance to explore this fascination and ask Francesco Delladio a few questions about the past, present and future of La Sportiva.
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