Tekst: Ebba Lundberg
Foto: Alamy & Care of carl team
Often, so-called style mistakes can be overlooked since personal style is largely based on individual taste and preference. However, within the dressy style segment, there are specific rules that should be followed. Below, we highlight some common mistakes that can easily occur when you're in a rush or haven't paid close attention. Unfortunately, these missteps should not be ignored, even if they come with a touch of charm. Some might even consider them nearly unforgivable.
Buttoning a blazer may not be rocket science, but it’s still an area of frequent misunderstanding, as we’ve noticed at various events and festivities this past summer. Fastening all the buttons on a jacket seems to be more common than a style expert might expect. It’s understandable, though—knowing which buttons to fasten and which to leave undone can be confusing, especially since different jacket models have varying button configurations. For those who are even a little uncertain, here’s our straightforward guide to buttoning:
• On a two-buttoned blazer, only fasten the top button.
• For a three-buttoned blazer, button the middle one; the top button is optional.
No matter the blazer, always leave the bottom button undone—got it? Great.
It’s usually said that shoes can "make or break your style" and in this case we couldn't agree more. If the shoes are unkempt, it doesn't matter how polished the rest of the look is. Imagine that you have invested in those trousers you’ve had your eye-on for a long time, proceeding to match with your favourite shirt. For this, you wear a pair of muddy loafers that took a beating from yesterday's walk home. The style just doesn't look very flattering.
So how do you keep your shoes in good condition over time? If you own shoes made of leather, consider investing in a pair of cedar shoe trees. These have more advantages: they absorb the moisture from the shoes, which prevents wrinkles, in addition, they retain the shape of the shoes, which is one of the most important factors in keeping the shoes in good condition for many years. In addition to this, it is important to polish the shoes regularly to maintain their immaculate condition.
Take a look at your shoe collection and see if you can give your shoes some extra love to elevate your look this autumn. It doesn't have to be more difficult than that.
Don't forget that in the end it's entirely up to you to decide whether you want to follow the rules, break them or ignore them, after all it's you who decides your personal style. But it can be good to be aware of the style mistakes that will make some people raise their eyebrows.
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