Text: Rasmus Motten Wernerby
The foundation of your outfit should be light trousers. In our case, we've chosen a wider cotton model that pairs just as well with a double-breasted blazer as it does with the knitted polo shirt and t-shirt you've packed. The blazer is perfect for travel days and doubles as a layer to combat the sea breeze in the evenings. Underneath, we suggest wearing a light blue Oxford shirt paired with light beige loafers with crepe soles. The overall look is understated, allowing for personalized accessories such as a braided belt, a handkerchief in the chest pocket, or perhaps a carefully chosen fine watch with a leather strap to enhance your appearance.
When the day's warmth lingers into the evening, or for a party that starts in the afternoon, it's best to avoid wearing too many tight clothes. Instead, we recommend a simple yet airy outfit to keep you cool. Linen garments in black or midnight blue create an elegant look, and despite their relaxed appearance, you won't feel underdressed.
Choosing the right clothing is especially advantageous if you happen to arrive slightly late (perhaps because you took the time to find the perfect gift for the host couple but always seem to arrive at the last minute) in your well-kept classic car, which lacks air conditioning or other modern amenities. The tank top, which seemed to have skipped a generation but is now back to the delight of those born in the 1920s, helps with this and prevents an unbuttoned shirt from revealing too much chest. Paired with espadrilles, it makes for a delightful evening, with a refreshing dip in the sea easily accessible.
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